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Home All Products Cash Report Financial Statement Consolidation

Financial Statement Consolidation

Opal 2005 is a Financial statement consolidation software. The product can be adjusted depending on the statement format. It can prepare various reports that are very helpful for cross-checking and following the consolidated information.

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Opal 2005 is a software product for consolidating of financial statements and other reports of the enterprise. The product can be adapted to any MS Excel report. Data is consolidated from many files in a single file and information tracking reports are provided. The program also offers transposed reports: you can change rows to columns and vice versa, which allows you to easily notice any possible inconsistencies and errors in cases when working with a large number of reports.

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София   (02) 974 43 50
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Бургас МАТИМА-СОФТ ЕООД (088) 820 9643
Велико Търново Елка Димитрова (088) 729 0484
Добрич "Служба за финансово-счетоводно съпровождане" ООД (058) 60 0117
Кърджали Зоя Пилева (088) 729 0979
Монтана СБС - Монтана ООД (096) 30 0375
Плевен ЕТ "Бер Систем" (064) 87 0620
Пловдив Униконс ООД (032) 66 4990
Русе Верени консулт ООД - Русе (082) 82 3598
София Интелсофт ООД (02) 920 0292
Търговище Светльо Атанасов (089) 997 7014
Шумен Зенит ЕООД (054) 89 0125

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