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Payroll and Personnel

TERES encompasses all functions of the automated processing of labour with work cards, attendance information, paid and unpaid absences, leaves due to temporary work incapacity, final salary with the additional payments in accordance with the Labour Code and the Civil Servants Act of Bulgaria.

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TERES encompasses all functions of the automated processing of labour with work cards, attendance information, paid and unpaid absences, leaves due to temporary work incapacity (paid by the National Insurance Institute and the employer), formation of the final salary with additional payments in accordance with the Labour Code and the Civil Servants Act of Bulgaria for each person in different industries of the modern economy, characterised by payments based on working hours, piece-rate system or team payment, and the employees working on a standard 5 or 6-day working week at regular shifts or receiving hourly payment.

TERES can be easily adapted to the specific characteristics of the companies; it is flexible in relation to the normative documents. The system provides a high-level control over data through adjustable filters and a quick access to information on a monitor or a printing device.

TERES derives visual and printed information regarding the salary with its single elements, with the headings of personnel expenses by workshops, products, accounting documents in the areas of paid labour, bank services, National Revenue Agency, State Savings Bank (DSK), company saving funds and mutual aid funds as well as manageable outlets for accountancy systems. The product has the option of providing personal personnel reports – all this achieved through friendly dialogue with the system in real time through marking each charge with the code of the unit responsible for its payment – the software can provide information about expense allocations, sick leaves, regular and business paid leaves, annual payments, and a great deal of retirement information.

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В процес на разработка

Тази секция от уебсайта е в процес на разработка. Екипът на Ада-Софт се извинява за причиненото неудобство. Опитайте отново скоро!


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Велико Търново Елка Димитрова (088) 729 0484
Добрич "Служба за финансово-счетоводно съпровождане" ООД (058) 60 0117
Кърджали Зоя Пилева (088) 729 0979
Монтана СБС - Монтана ООД (096) 30 0375
Плевен ЕТ "Бер Систем" (064) 87 0620
Пловдив Униконс ООД (032) 66 4990
Русе Верени консулт ООД - Русе (082) 82 3598
София Интелсофт ООД (02) 920 0292
Търговище Светльо Атанасов (089) 997 7014
Шумен Зенит ЕООД (054) 89 0125

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13 Georgi Benkovski Blvd.
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