Enterprise Resource Planning System
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Scipter(i) is a flexible Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software solution. It is used in many verticals such as Production, Education, Health, Tourism, Retail, and others. |
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What is the Enterprise Resource Planning System?
The system incorporates all the activities in the departments and units as well as the various roles and functions into a single computer system. A major characteristic of the ERP system is that it uses a single data base for processing and storage of information from all activities and units. This presupposes a high level of automatization and avoiding a repeated entry of the same information.
ERP is a software product intended to serve equally well the specialists from department, those managing the sales and the warehouses as well as the specialists in charge of human resources. Currently, the specialists from the various departments use different specialized software systems. The goal of the ERP system is to integrate all these specialized systems into a single one which uses a single data base. This allows the different structure units to exchange and share information more easily and facilitates their communication.
Why ERP?
Because ERP possesses a very important quality. It helps not only to solve the day-to-day problems, but creates a foundation for a long-term development of the business. The integrated solutions for business management provide the executive body with the relevant basis for taking appropriate, well-founded and timely decisions.
What does the EPR system provide?
- Reliable, comprehensive and credible information in real time
- Reducing the risk of entering different data into different systems
- Quick and easy accounting, flexibility and obtaining of data
- Consolidation of data
The advantages of the system are related to the fact that it allows comprehensive control, more efficient time management and use of the resources and assets of the company, minimum time for receiving information, thus enabling those in charge to make well-grounded decisions.
Processes managed by SCIPTER (i)
- Management and control of clients
- Management of the interaction with suppliers
- Current information about the state of the inventories by units
- Topicality of the financial information
- Truck fleet
- Management of the processes (traceability of taken and executed decisions)
Future developments
- Human resources
- Fixed assets
SCIPTER (i) is a system built on the basis of mutually connected and capable of independent functioning modules which involve the processes mentioned above. For example, the most common case involves only the processes relating to the financial information, supplier and client management. The independent functioning of the different processes allows a stage-by-stage inclusion in the system of every process.
The documents by means of which the movement and the change of state of the resources in the enterprise are entered are divided into classes and types, and can be described independently, not only in the standard way.
The classes define the physical content of the documents and the way they affect the state of the resources. Each class allows for a large number of different types of documents to be defined. These types determine the logic work of the documents and their interface.
The number and type of the documents depend on the complexity and the volume of the processes which will be involved. For clients using "Scipter" and "X-Management", the option of a full takeover of documents and data in SCIPTER (i) is available.
The system supports a standard list of items about: contracting parties, template (calculations), persons, truck fleet, etc. Each list of items can be organized in hierarchical groups and subgroups. Each entry from the list of items can support additional specific information as well as attached pictures and files. This involves the creation and support of a whole file of a contracting party or a particular commodity.
Through the option provided by SCIPTER (i) to define user structures and lists of items, arrays of data with extended information in comparison with the standard ones are created, and these are specific for each enterprise. It is also possible to support lists of items with periods of validity such as price lists, currency exchange rates, tax rates, social security and interest rates.
SCIPTER (i) has a scheme of traceability. This means that it is possible to have each resource traced back in relation with the chronology of its development and the documents it appears in at any moment and in any document (initial balance, lists of items of commodities, contracting parties, accounting plan).
The system contains a powerful generator of Reports which provides the opportunity of data selection in accordance with the user's preference. The data can be printed out, exported as text or XLS files, or activated through external applications which use the obtained result.
The access rights to different functions and data in SCIPTER (i) is regulated through defining roles and operators by the administrator. The participation of a document in different activities can be confirmed automatically or after the verification by a person specifically authorized for this purpose. For instance, the entry into the books of an invoice can be automatically authorized and the invoice printed out or confirmed after the verification by the respective specialist.
The process of work organization and the launch of the system go through the following stages:
- Specifying the activities which will be included and the sequence of their inclusion
- Studying of: the documents used by each activity and the initial reports; the connections between the different activities and documents; the necessity of control before the confirmation of a certain document or their automatic inclusion
- Project preparation
- Preparation of the documents and the connections between them, organization of lists of items, description of reports according to the results of the study and the approved project
- Project implementation and staff training
The price of the system depends on the complexity of the processes in the enterprise and is determined according to the activities and the number of documents per year.
Every business contains a network of mutually connected people and processes. Its success depends on the way this network works. The best solution is the ERP system SCIPTER (i).
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Тази секция от уебсайта е в процес на разработка. Екипът на Ада-Софт се извинява за причиненото неудобство. Опитайте отново скоро!
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