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AuditDesktop Интегриран софтуер за одит

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EasyCheck e цялостно решение, обединяващо в едно всички необходими инструменти за автоматизиране на одитния процес. Функционалности, които обикновено намирате при комбинирането на различни софтуерни решения, тук ще откриете в един-единствен програмен продукт.

Продуктът се предлага в няколко варианта, които включват различни функционалности и обхващат различни специфики от одитните процеси:

Last Updated (Friday, 27 November 2009 15:19)

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Adasoft.Office.Analytics - Audit sampling and data analysis software

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Adasoft.Office.Analytics is an easy and convenient tool for audit sampling, fast data analysis, possible fraud detection, and preparing substantive tests. The software supports the most commonly used sampling methods and valuable features that auditors can apply directly to their work.

Last Updated (Friday, 27 November 2009 15:19)

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Adasoft.Office.Analytics es una herramienta creada para auditores y financieros

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Adasoft.Office.Analytics es una herramienta creada para auditores y financieros, que en forma simple y fácil le permite crear análisis rápido de datos, seleccionar muestras de auditoría, detectar posibles fraudes y preparar pruebas sustantivas. Incluye métodos de muestreo basados en técnicas de auditoria asistidas por el computados y más utilizados, así como una gama de funciones útiles para que los auditores las apliquen directamente a su trabajo.

Last Updated (Friday, 27 November 2009 15:19)

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EasyCheck Internal Audit Edition

EasyCheck (AuditDesktop)Internal Audit Edition is specially tailored to the internal auditor's needs. The product includes tools for risk-based strategic and annual planning, risk register, automated audit reporting, risk assessment, determination of materiality, sampling, and many more.

  • Overview
  • Screenshots
  • Cloud Services

For more information about the product, please visit AuditDesktop website.



It comprises the entire audit process and is a ready-to-use auditor’s library which contains working papers and sections that follow the logics and procedures as recommended by the International Standards on Auditing. The working papers attached are in compliance with the requirements in the check questionnaires as adopted by the Committee of Control on the Quality of Audit Services
The audit approach leads the user in the implementation of separate procedures. It has been developed to meet the needs of small auditor’s practices in performing audits of SME.


Use the product whenever you wish and however you need with no investment in:

- Infrastructure
- Licenses for Operating System
- Licenses for MS Office Suite
- AuditDesktop Licenses

Everywhere and anytime, on Mac, PC, or mobile device with Windows, iOS or Android.

Last Updated (Friday, 27 November 2009 15:19)

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EasyCheck External Audit Edition

EasyCheck (AuditDeskop)EAE (External Audit Edition) aims to cover the needs of external auditors conducting audits such as "Audit of Financial Statements", "Audit of Internal Control over Financial Reporting" or "Compliance Audit".

Last Updated (Friday, 27 November 2009 15:19)

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AuditDesktop - Audit Like Never Before

AuditDesktop is a comprehensive audit solution, combining all tools necessary to automate the complete process of planning, conducting and documenting an audit engagement. Here, a single software product comprises functionalities that you would usually find after combining different software solutions.

Тhe product is available in three separate editions, each covering the specific needs of its particular field:

  • AuditDeskop – EAE (External Audit Edition) aims to cover the needs of external auditors who conduct audits such as “Audit of Financial Statements”, “Audit of Internal Controls over Financial Reporting” and “Compliance Audit”. The program includes features such as risk assessment, determination of materiality, and sampling.
  • AuditDeskop – IAE (Internal Audit Edition) is specially tailored to the internal auditor's needs. In addition to the features mentioned above, AuditDeskop – IAE includes tools for risk-based strategic and annual planning, risk register, automated audit reporting, and many more.
  • AuditDeskop – Compliance is maintaining compliance audits.

For more detailed information, visit our website.

Last Updated (Friday, 27 November 2009 15:19)

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